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Welcome to, a website devoted to the enjoyment of collecting custom knives. It is a place for me to display some of my collection and share my passion for the hobby of collecting custom knives.

This is sort of a sister site to which is my commercial site for selling custom knives.


On this site you will find what I feel are some of the finest custom knives from the best custom makers that I have chosen for my personal collection. This does not mean that the knives available for sale on are of lesser quality or desirability, just that these are more in line with my current sensibilities.  Often, as tastes and economics change you will see that certain pieces will transition from my collection to for sale.  I cannot afford to keep everything!


Also within this site, in the All About Collecting, section you will find my thoughts on subjects such Knife CollectingKnife CareKnife ValuesEngraving and Evaluating Custom Knives. I am open to suggestions for other subjects of interest and contributions are welcome so please feel free to contact me.


I am not interested in selling the knives pictured on this site. However, if you must, please feel free to make a ridiculously generous offer and I may consider it.


Please enjoy your visit to




Mark Strauss

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